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The Mission of the Colorado First Conservation District (CFCD):

To be the voice for the agriculture community in this conservation district, and to assist in the management, sustainability, and improvement of its natural resources.

A group of people in a greenhouse or indoor farm setting, talking and observing plants.

Goals and Objectives

  1. CFCD will continue working with partners to collaborate on noxious weed and pest control.
  2. CFCD will work with partnering agencies to develop a program to renovate fields, pastures and released CRP lands to a more desirable mix of plants in order to benefit soil health, wildlife, and livestock.
  3. CFCD will increase public awareness and education for the purpose of showcasing our mission and activities, and further develop community partners through urban ag and educational outreach.

Our Organization's Structure

Colorado First Conservation District is composed of seven elected supervisors who serve without compensation, but have the responsibility of managing the district programs in a manner that will assist land users in planning and applying the best management practice, which in turn will protect and conserve our natural resources.


A scenic rural landscape with tractors and hay bales in a vast green field under a partly cloudy sky.

Our USDA NRCS Partnership:

The District works closely with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to assist in promoting conservation practices across our district. Programs such as Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), and Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) provide financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers.

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